Olga Vechtomova

Faculty of Engineering
School of Computer Science (cross-appointment)
University of Waterloo



Gaurav Sahu, Olga Vechtomova, Issam Laradji (2023) Enchancing Semi-Supervised Learning for Extractive Summarization with an LLM-based pseudolabeler. arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.09559

Gaurav Sahu, Olga Vechtomova, Dzmitry Bahdanau, Issam Laradji (2023) PromptMix: A Class Boundary Augmentation Method for Large Language Model Distillation. In Proc. EMNLP 2023.

Olga Vechtomova and Gaurav Sahu (2022) LyricJam Sonic: A Generative System for Real-Time Composition and Musical Improvisation. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Music, Sound, Art and Design (EvoMusArt 2023).[arXiv:2210.15638]


Brian Zimmerman, Gaurav Sahu, Olga Vechtomova (2023) Future Sight: Dynamic Story Generation with Large Pretrained Language Models. [arXiv:2212.09947]

Di Jin, Zhijing Jin, Zhiting Hu, Olga Vechtomova, Rada Mihalcea (2022) Deep Learning for Text Style Transfer: A Survey. Computational Linguistics, Volume 48, Issue 1 - March 2022


Olga Vechtomova, Gaurav Sahu and Dhruv Kumar (2021) LyricJam: A system for generating lyrics for live instrumental music. In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computational Creativity (ICCC 2021). [arXiv:2106.01960]. Live app: https://lyricjam.ai

Olga Vechtomova (2021) Poetics of AI: Models for Stylized Text Generation. Keynote Speech at the 24th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialog (TSD 2021).

Amirpasha Ghabussi, Lili Mou, Olga Vechtomova (2021) Wasserstein Autoencoders with Mixture of Gaussian Priors. In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Text, Speech and Dialog (TSD 2021).

Gaurav Sahu, Robin Cohen, Olga Vechtomova (2021) Towards A Multi-agent System for Online Hate Speech Detection. In Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Autonomous Agents for Social Good (AASG), AAMAS, 2021. [arXiv:2105.01129]

Gaurav Sahu and Olga Vechtomova (2021) Adaptive Fusion Techniques for Multimodal Data. In Proc. EACL 2021. [PDF]

Vikash Balasubramanian, Ivan Kobyzev, Hareesh Bahuleyan, Ilya Shapiro and Olga Vechtomova (2021) Polarized-VAE: Proximity Based Disentangled Representation Learning for Text Generation. In Proc. EACL 2021. [PDF]


Olga Vechtomova, Gaurav Sahu, Dhruv Kumar (2020) Generation of lyrics lines conditioned on audio clips. First Workshop on NLP for Music and Audio (NLP4MusA). [PDF, Demos, Recorded talk]

Kashif Khan, Gaurav Sahu, Vikash Balasubramanian, Lili Mou and Olga Vechtomova (2020) Adversarial Learning on the Latent Space for Diverse Dialog Generation. COLING 2020. [PDF]

Lili Mou, Olga Vechtomova (2020) Stylized Text Generation: Approaches and Applications. Tutorial. ACL 2020 [Abstract, Slides, Video]

Raphael Schumann, Lili Mou, Yao Lu, Olga Vechtomova, Katja Markert (2020) Discrete Optimization for Unsupervised Sentence Summarization with Word-Level Extraction. In Proc. ACL 2020. [https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.acl-main.452]

Dhruv Kumar, Lili Mou, Lukasz Golab, Olga Vechtomova (2020) Iterative Edit-Based Unsupervised Sentence Simplification. In Proc. ACL 2020 [https://www.aclweb.org/anthology/2020.acl-main.707]


John V., Mou L., Bahuleyan H. and Vechtomova O. (2019) Disentangled Representation Learning for Non-Parallel Text Style Transfer. In Proc. ACL 2019. [PDF], [Online Demo]

Yu Bao, Hao Zhou, Shujian Huang, Lei Li, Lili Mou, Olga Vechtomova, Xin-Yu Dai and Jiajun Chen (2019) Generating Sentences from Disentangled Syntactic and Semantic Spaces. In Proc. ACL 2019.

Bahuleyan H., Mou L., Zhou H., and Vechtomova O. (2019) Stochastic Wasserstein Autoencoder for Probabilistic Sentence Generation. In Proc. NAACL-HLT 2019. [arXiv:1806.08462]


Vechtomova O., Bahuleyan H., Ghabussi A. and John V. (2018) Generating lyrics with variational autoencoder and multi-modal artist embeddings. arXiv pre-print arXiv:1812.08318

Bahuleyan, H., Mou, L., Vechtomova, O. and Poupart, P. (2018) Variational Attention for Sequence-to-Sequence Models. In Proc. COLING 2018 [PDF]


Vechtomova O. (2017) Disambiguating Context-Dependent Polarity of Words: an Information Retrieval Approach. Information Processing and Management, 53(5), pp. 1062-1079 [PDF]

John V. and Vechtomova O. (2017) UWat-Emote at EmoInt-2017: Emotion Intensity Detection using Affect Clues, Sentiment Polarity and Word Embeddings. In Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment & Social Media Analysis, held in conjunction with EMNLP 2017. [PDF]

Bahuleyan H. and Vechtomova O. (2017) UWaterloo at SemEval-2017 Task 8: Detecting Stance towards Rumours with Topic Independent Features. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017), Vancouver, Canada, August 2017. Association for Computational Linguistics. [PDF]

John V. and Vechtomova O. (2017) UW-FinSent at SemEval-2017 Task 5: Sentiment Analysis on Financial News Headlines using Training Dataset Augmentation. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017), Vancouver, Canada, August 2017. Association for Computational Linguistics. [PDF]

Vechtomova O. (2017) UWaterloo at SemEval-2017 Task 7: Locating the Pun Using Syntactic Characteristics and Corpus-based Metrics. In Proceedings of the 11th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval-2017), Vancouver, Canada, August 2017. Association for Computational Linguistics. [PDF]


Suleman K. and Vechtomova O. (2016) Discovering Aspects of Online Consumer Reviews. Journal of Information Science, 42(4): 477-491. [PDF]

Vechtomova O. and He A. (2016) UWaterloo at SemEval-2016 Task 5: Minimally Supervised Approaches to Aspect-Based Sentiment Analysis. In Proceedings of SemEval: 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluations, San Diego, California, June, 2016. Association for Computational Linguistics. [PDF]

Baruah G., Zhang H., Guttikonda R., Lin J., Smucker M. and Vechtomova O. (2016) Optimizing Nugget Annotations with Active Learning. In Proceedings of the ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), 2016

Sarrafzadeh B., Vtyurina A., Lank E., Vechtomova O. (2016) Knowledge Graphs versus Hierarchies: An Analysis of User Behaviours and Perspectives in Information Seeking. In Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Conference on Human Information Interaction and Retrieval (CHIIR), 2016, 91 - 100.


Sarrafzadeh B., Vechtomova O. and Jokic V. (2014) Exploring Knowledge Graphs for Exploratory Search. In the Proceedings of Information Interaction in Context (IIiX), Regensburg, Germany, August 2014.

Vechtomova O., Suleman K. and Thomas J. (2014) An Information Retrieval-Based Approach to Determining Contextual Opinion Polarity of Words. In Proceedings of the 36th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), Amsterdam [PDF]

Baruah G., Guttikonda R., Roegiest A. and Vechtomova O. (2014) University of Waterloo at the TREC 2013 Temporal Summarization Track. In Proceedings of the 22nd Text REtrieval Conference (TREC), Gaithersburg, MD, November 2013


Vechtomova O. (2013) A method for automatic extraction of multiword units representing business aspects from user reviews. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST), 65(7), pp.1463-1477. [PDF]


Vechtomova O. and Robertson S.E. (2012) A Domain-Independent Approach to Finding Related Entities. Information Processing and Management, 48(4), pp. 654-670. [PDF].

Vechtomova O. (2012) A semi-supervised approach to extracting multiword entity names from user reviews. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR 1st Joint International Workshop on Entity-oriented and Semantic Search (JIWES) 2012, Portland, Oregon, USA, 2012. [PDF]


Vechtomova O. (2011) Unsupervised related entity finding. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Workshop on Entity Oriented Search, Beijing, China, 2011. [PDF] (received the Best Paper Award)

Vechtomova O. (2011) Related Entity Finding: University of Waterloo at TREC 2010 Entity Track. In Proceedings of the 19th Text Retrieval Conference (TREC 2010), Gaithersburg, Maryland, November 16-19, 2010. [PDF]


Vechtomova O. (2010) Facet-based Opinion Retrieval from Blogs. Information Processing and Management, 46(1), pp. 71-88. [PDF]

Smucker M., Clarke C., Cormack G. and Vechtomova O. (2010) University of Waterloo at TREC 2010: Legal Interactive. In Proceedings of the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC), 2010, Gaithersburg, MD.


Vechtomova O. and Zhang H. (2009) Articulating Complex Information Needs Using Query Templates. Journal of Information Science, 35(4), pp. 439-452.[PDF]

Clarke C., Kolla M. and Vechtomova O. (2009) An Effectiveness Measure for Ambiguous and Underspecified Queries. International Conference on the Theory of Information Retrieval (ICTIR), September 2009, Cambridge, UK, pp. 188-199.

Vechtomova O. (2009) University of Waterloo at TREC 2008 Blog Track [PDF]

Clarke C., Kolla M., Cormack G., Vechtomova O., Ashkan A., Büttcher S. and MacKinnon I. (2008) Novelty and Diversity in Information Retrieval Evaluation. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference, 20-24 July 2008, Singapore.

Vechtomova O. Query Expansion for Information Retrieval. In Liu L. and Ozsu M. T. (Editors-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Springer, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-387-49616-0.

Vechtomova O. Relevance Feedback for Text Retrieval. In Liu L. and Ozsu M. T. (Editors-in-Chief), Encyclopedia of Database Systems. Springer, 2009, ISBN: 978-0-387-49616-0.

Vechtomova O., "Book review: Introduction to Information Retrieval by C. Manning, P. Raghavan and H. Schuetze" Computational Linguistics, June 2009, Vol. 35, No. 2: 307-309.


Vechtomova O. and Karamuftuoglu M. (2008) Lexical Cohesion and Term Proximity in Document Ranking. Information Processing and Management, 44(4), pp. 1485-1502. [PDF]

Clarke C., Kolla M., Cormack G., Vechtomova O., Ashkan A., Buettcher S. and MacKinnon I. (2008) Novelty and Diversity in Information Retrieval Evaluation. In Proceedings of the 31st Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference, 20-24 July 2008, Singapore.

Kolla M., Vechtomova O. and Clarke C. (2008) Nugget-based Framework to Support Graded Relevance Assessments. In Proceedings of the ACM SIGIR Workshop Beyond Binary Relevance: Preferences, Diversity, and Set-Level Judgments, 24 July 2008, Singapore.

MacKinnon I. and Vechtomova O. (2008) Improving Complex Interactive Question Answering with Wikipedia Anchor Text. In Proceedings of the 30th European Conference on Information Retrieval (ECIR), March 30 - April 3, 2008, Glasgow, Scotland. [PDF]

Vechtomova O. (2008) Using Subjective Adjectives in Opinion Retrieval from Blogs. In Proceedings of the 16th Text Retrieval Conference, November 6-9, 2007, Gaithersburg, MD.

MacKinnon I. and Vechtomova O. (2008) Complex Interactive Question Answering Enhanced with Wikipedia. In Proceedings of the 16th Text Retrieval Conference, November 6-9, 2007, Gaithersburg, MD. [PDF]


Vechtomova O. and Karamuftuoglu M. (2007) Query expansion with terms selected using lexical cohesion analysis of documents. Information Processing and Management, 43(4), pp. 849-865.[PDF]

Kolla M. and Vechtomova O. (2007) Retrieval of Discussions from Enterprise Mailing Lists. Proceedings of the 30th annual international ACM SIGIR conference on Research and development in information retrieval, July 23 - 27, 2007, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 881-882.

Skomorowski J. and Vechtomova O. (2007) Ad Hoc Retrieval of Documents with Topical Opinion. In Amati G. et al. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 29th European Conference on Information Retrieval, April 2-5, 2007, Rome, Italy. [PDF]

Kolla M., Vechtomova O. and Clarke C. (2007) Comparison of models based on summaries or documents towards extraction of update summaries. In Proceedings of the Document Understanding Conference (DUC), 2007.


Vechtomova O. (2006) Noun Phrases in Interactive Query Expansion and Document Ranking. Information Retrieval, 9(4), pp. 399-420.[PDF]

Vechtomova O. and Wang Y. (2006) A Study of the Effect of Term Proximity on Query Expansion. Journal of Information Science, 32(4).[PDF]

Vechtomova O., Karamuftuoglu M. and Robertson S.E. (2006) On Document Relevance and Lexical Cohesion between Query Terms. Information Processing and Management, 42(5), pp. 1230-1247.[PDF]

Vechtomova O., Karamuftuoglu M. (2006) Elicitation and Use of Relevance Feedback Information. Information Processing and Management, 42(1), pp. 191-206. [PDF]

Vechtomova O. and Karamuftuoglu M. (2006) Identifying Relationships Between Entities in Text for Complex Interactive Question Answering Task. In Voorhees E., Buckland L. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 15th Text Retrieval Conference, November 14-17, 2006, Gaithersburg, MD. [PDF]

Kolla M. and Vechtomova O. (2006) In Enterprise Search: Methods to Identify Argumentative Discussions and to Find Topical Experts. In Proceedings of the Text Retrieval Conference (TREC), 2006, Gaithersburg, MD.

Vechtomova O., Kolla M. and Karamuftuoglu M. (2006) Experiments for HARD and Enterprise Tracks. In Voorhees E., Buckland L. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 14th Text Retrieval Conference, November 15-18, 2005, Gaithersburg, MD.


Vechtomova O., Karamuftuoglu M. and Robertson S.E. (2005) A Study of Document Relevance and Lexical Cohesion between Query Terms. In Proceedings of the Workshop on Methodologies and Evaluation of Lexical Cohesion Techniques in Real-World Applications (ELECTRA 2005), the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference, August 19, 2005, Salvador, Brazil, pp. 18-25 [PDF]

Vechtomova O. (2005) The Role of Multi-Word Units in Interactive Information Retrieval. In Losada D. and Fernandez-Luna J. (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 3408, pp. 403-420, Springer-Verlag. (Proceedings of the 27th European Conference on Information Retrieval, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, March 2005) [PDF]

Wang Y. Vechtomova O. (2005) Exploring the Use of Term Proximity in Collocate-ranking for Query Expansion. In Proceedings of the Joint ACH/ALLC (Association for Computers and the Humanities/Association for Literary and Linguistic Computing) Conference, June 15-18, 2005, Victoria, BC, Canada. [PDF]

Vechtomova O. and Karamuftuoglu M. (2005) Approaches to high accuracy retrieval. In Voorhees E., Buckland L. (Eds.) Proceedings of the 13th Text Retrieval Conference, November 16-19, 2004, Gaithersburg, MD. [PDF]

Jones R., Vechtomova O., Dias G. (Editors) Methodologies and Evaluation of Lexical Cohesion Techniques in Real-World Applications (ELECTRA 2005). Workshop in association with the 28th Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference, August 19, 2005, Salvador, Brazil.

Vechtomova O., Jones R., Dias G. (2005) Report on the ACM International Workshop on Methodologies and Evaluation of Lexical Cohesion Techniques in Real-world Applications (ELECTRA 2005) held at SIGIR 2005. SIGIR Forum, 39(2).


Vechtomova O. and Karamuftuoglu M. (2004) Use of noun phrases in interactive search refinement. In Proceedings of MEMURA 2004 workshop (Methodologies and Evaluation of Multiword Units in Real-world Applications), Language Resources and Evaluation Conference (LREC), May 25, 2004, Lisbon, Portugal.[PDF]

Vechtomova O. and Karamuftuoglu M. (2004) Comparison of two interactive search refinement techniques. In Proceedings of the Human Language Technology Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (HLT-NAACL), May 2-7, 2004, Boston, pp. 225-232. [PDF]

Vechtomova O., Karamuftuoglu M., Lam E. (2004) Interactive search refinement techniques for HARD tasks. In Proceedings of the 12th Text Retrieval Conference, November 18-21, 2003, Gaithersburg, MD. [PDF]


Vechtomova O., Robertson S.E., Jones S. (2003) Query expansion with long-span collocates. Information Retrieval, 6(2), pp. 251-273. [PDF]


Jones S., Vechtomova O., Robertson S.E. (2002) A tool for comparative evaluation in an interactive environment. Journal of Information Science, 28(6), pp. 493-504. [PDF]


Vechtomova O. (2001) Approaches to using word collocation in Information Retrieval. PhD Thesis. City University, London, UK.


Vechtomova O., Robertson S.E. (2000) Integration of collocation statistics into the probabilistic retrieval model. In Proceedings of the 22nd British Computer Society - Information Retrieval Specialist Group Conference, Cambridge, England, pp. 165-177. [PDF]

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